El Warcha: Lowry House & Clements House
In January 2019 El Warcha opened a new studio space in Tottenham, north London. Working in Lowry House and Clements House two shelter homes, the workshop focuses on creating furniture and art installations with local residents. Every week we explore new techniques and share skills. Our approach focuses on producing domestic objects, things residents might need in their everyday life.
In November 2020 we started an art residency with Alex Parry and Eva Freeman, twice a month we release a Live Tv show to connect with residence during the Lockdown period:
Contact: mrbenjaminperrot@gmail.com / 07446568485
City: Tottenham / London
Year: 2019- Ongoing
Organisation: Under the Umbrella organisation City Mined : http://beta.citymined.org/fr/
Financial Partners: Arts Council, Culture seeds/ Mayor of London, Homes for Haringey